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& estate planning

Ask us about the discount that will apply when Wills and LPAs are completed together.
All fees include an online meeting or home visit, professional advice, supported signing, witnessing and professionally printed documents. We offer a fixed fee policy, fees are always discussed at the outset so you know what you will pay. We never charge upfront, payment only becomes due when you are satisfied with our completed work.
Wills and Trusts
Single Will £185
Mirror Wills £270
(for a couple)
Single Will with Trust £385
Mirror Wills with Trust £470
Lasting Power of Attorney (LPA)
Single LPA £150
Both types of LPA £250
1 single LPA for couple £250
(2 LPA's in total)
Both types of LPA for couple £500
(4 LPA's in total)
These fees do not include the £82 per LPA that the Office of the Public Guardian charge for registration.
Amendments taken by post/telephone/email. No more than 50% of the fee for a new document.
Amendments, requiring a home visit. No more than 75% of the fee for a new document.
Severance of Joint Tenancy £40
Document Storage
Individual £20 Per Year
Couple £25 Per Year
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